Tezos-k8s is a collection of Helm charts and container images that can be used to deploy Tezos blockchain infrastructure on a Kubernetes cluster.
Use it to deploy:
- a Tezos node
- a Tezos RPC service
- a Tezos baker
- a Tezos private chain
on your laptop or in a cloud platform such as AWS, Digitalocean or GCP.
Quick start
We assume you have access to a Kubernetes cluster and helm installed (see Prerequisites).
To deploy a Tezos mainnet node:
- Add the Tacoinfra Helm chart repository to your local Helm installation:
helm repo add tacoinfra https://tacoinfra.github.io/tezos-helm-charts/
- Install a Tezos node:
helm install tezos-mainnet tacoinfra/tezos-chain \
--namespace tacoinfra --create-namespace
k8s will spin up an Octez node which will download and import a Tezos mainnet snapshot. This will take a few minutes.